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伊恩·菲斯(Ian Firth)的fistrente解释了为什么工程师仍然可以从50年前发生的两座桥梁崩溃中学习。伊恩(Ian)是一位著名的桥梁工程师,也是它的前总裁。

15 October marks 50 years since one of Australia’s worst accidents. 35 people were killed when the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne collapsed during construction. The tragedy came just a few months after a similar accident in Milford Haven, South Wales, when the Cleddau Bridge also collapsed during construction, killing four people.



Investigating the disasters

The British government responded by setting up the Merrison Committee of Inquiry. It was tasked with investigating the design and construction methods of box-girder bridges. It was also asked to make recommendations for change.


澳大利亚的类似调查导致1971年发布Report of the Royal Commission into the Failure of West Gate Bridge


Better procedures

When presenting the committee’s conclusions, the chairman noted:
"No amount of writing of design codes and writing of contracts can in the end be guaranteed to prevent the results of stupidity, carelessness or incompetence. But one can do a great deal to discourage these vices and that must be done."
As a result, the committee recommended four key procedures to improve the safety of bridge design and construction:
  • An independent check of the engineer’s permanent design
  • 对承包商的勃起和临时作品设计的独立检查
  • 在工程师和承包商之间清楚分配责任
  • 工程师和承包商都在现场提供足够合格的监督人员的承包商。
The system of independent checks recommended by the Merrison Report is still familiar to bridge engineers in the UK today, but should it be more widely applicable?


Failure, or near failures, still occur far too regularly. The collapse of a wall at Oxgangs Primary School in Edinburgh in 2016 and the collapse of a footbridge at Florida International University in 2018 are cases in point. Sadly there are still too many others.

  • 需要独立审查设计
  • The need for independent scrutiny of how the designs are built on site
  • The need to ensure the competence of those involved.


The more complex the building or structure, the greater the need for independent scrutiny of the design and for supervision on site.



You can download a copy of the Merrison Report using the link below. The report is made available under the公开政府许可证


merrison-report.pdf (.pdf, 14.1 MB)

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